What’s the point
by Molly Bolton
if you’re not going to take care of what’s yours
to take care of? My spouse flicks dog shit
into the woods with a stick, kicks stray river rocks
back to the bank, picks up a lone glove
and places it on the trail sign. Our twins were
meant to stay inside my womb for three
more months, at least one or two. Yesterday
my nephew asks how tiny they were, imagining
what he could not see. Today my spouse snaps-
off low hanging twigs, tosses them towards
tomorrow. We were each going to carry a child
on our shoulders, dip low through snowy rhododendron,
stand on the edge of streams looking
for salamanders in the Spring.
Molly Bolton (she/they) lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains outside of Boone, North Carolina. They write weekly for enfleshed and have poems in Prayers and Blessings for Healthcare Workers (Morehouse Press). Find Molly on Instagram @mjbolton.