What the Wind Leaves Behind
by Claudia Stanek
The kennel remains, impatient and empty,
its dog runs three feet above the ground,
white-painted two-by-twos the framework
holding wire even puppies’ paws
couldn’t fall through. Father and daughter
bring the wind with us as we collide, mini-bike
to kennel, but the runs stand, unchanged
other than by requisite bits of our blood and skin.
Wounds close and seasons peel
the kennel’s paint as litter after litter of puppies
are peeled from their mother, for a price.
Sun blisters all that has gone untended
and vacant cages sway when blizzard winds ride in.
Miles away, Dad’s banged-up body decays,
enclosed below the storms, me left
to tear down the ruins of what we had kenneled.
Claudia Stanek (she/her) relocated to Tennessee during the pandemic where she now rescues the occasional overheated hummingbird. Her work most recently appears in The Windhover, Cutleaf, Ekstasis, Solum, and Book of Matches, and her forthcoming chapbook Beneath Occluded Shine (FLP 2025).She holds an MFA from the Writing Seminars at Bennington College. Find her on Facebook and Instagram.