Earth Will Curve You to Its Orbit
by Annette Sisson
Make your sadness a thick door
the color of storm. Push against
the gale that knocks your ribs, rocks
the trees, sky whirling. Listen—
in the dark, owls shriek, bush crickets
croon. Howl until silence enters.
Annette Sisson lives in Nashville, TN with her partner and two dogs. Her favorite place to write is the passenger seat of a moving car. Annette’s poems appear in Valparaiso Poetry Review, Birmingham Poetry Review, Rust & Moth, Cloudbank, Lascaux Review, Cumberland River Review, Blue Mountain Review, Cider Press Review, Tupelo’s Milkweed Anthology, and many others. Her second book, Winter Sharp with Apples, is forthcoming from Terrapin Books in October 2024; her first book, Small Fish in High Branches, was published by Glass Lyre Press in May 2022. Visit her website here, and find her on Facebook and Instagram.