by Julián David Bañuelos
Centelleante. You ask for the root.
And since I am the son of a florist
I slip through the tierra as if it slept
weary of its next moment without spring.
The ante is high, diamante gleam
like the estrella we named together.
The May sky near. The blaze of springtime nights
cooled by the sweet aroma of the rain
con mis manos I give you spring year-round
propagating your light in all shadows
because in dreams I keep searching for you.
Media naranja, trust, no hay nada
but shadows antes de conocerte.
Beyond the roots and sombras, a twinkle.
Julián David Bañuelos is a Mexican American poet and translator from Lubbock, Texas. He is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and teaches in Iowa City. See more at www.juliandavidbanuelos.com.