A Sense of Being
by Maudie Bryant
I’m dangling from a peach tree limb,
I can find no backbone—background—
backboard from which to spring.
Culture is for chickens.
I grow no roots, bringing nothing
and leaving only the nothing-space
of footprints behind. I look back to see
History is a love affair with
This [ ]
is my heritage.
Maudie Bryant (she/her) is a mother, educator, and multidisciplinary artist who weaves her experiences into poems exploring the complexities of memory and identity. Currently, she tutors and teaches English Composition in Louisiana. A graduate of the University of Louisiana Monroe with a Master of Arts in English, Maudie’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Paper Nautilus, nDada Public, and Anodyne Magazine. Find her on Insta/Facebook @maudiemichelle and on Twitter @audilocusblog.